An Idle Mind is Devil's Workshop  

Posted by Unknown

"An Idle Mind is Devil's Workshop"...So goes the saying...For me ,it was nothing more than a proverb,till this day....Well folks,I am having vacations now,on account of semester break ....Hence at home,nothing to do;'hard at work' wasting time playing computer games,channel surfing,eating and roaming around -> The idle mind.....Slowly slowly some no-sense thoughts started creeping into my mind->Devil's Workshop.....Thoughts I wasn't supposed to have,considering the fact that I have dedicated myself and all my talents to Lord Jesus Christ....But as fate would have it,it came,it saw and it conquered....To make matters worse,my daily prayer,bible reading and spirituality has been on a constant decline since the begining of my vacation.....However I tried to ,I just couldn't make it right....Just ponder over this fact:Myself being an Electronics engineering student,controlling the flow and nature of electrons goes like breeze,but to control my mind is almost a Mission Impossible(Well, it came became the Mission Accomplished...I'll tell u how)...

Then came today......Started the day with a prayer...Things were going well,until the 'idle guy' took the U-turn and went off....tried to stop him,but he was so stubborn and wouldn't listen to me....Bad boy.....the day went like this...Then I happened to pick up the Vachanotsavam(a malayalam Christian magazine)....on the back cover was prayer for students appearing for exams....Ontop of the prayer,in bold,were my favourite words:"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"(Phil 4:13)...Almost struck like an Excalibur into my mind.....Well,if I can do all things through my Christ,then how can there be any Mission Impossible in my life?.....Isn't it a contrdiction to the Holy Scriptures,which has no contradictions recorded till date and into the future?....Well,if Christ is with me,what is impossible for me?...Then my friend called me and informed of placement tests awaiting us.....So deided to start off with its prep.....Wow...The change was unpredictable....Yet another 180 degree turn for the 'mind guy' and back into last,I'm in control....Ooooops,not me,the Big J(Jesus Christ) is in control...Gave some work to my idle mind and now we are back in business.....Thus realised->"An Idle Mind is Devil's Workshop"...

A new beginning...  

Posted by Unknown

Hi folks...I am Jeffie John Parackal from Kerala,India....This is my second blog......As with anything,I'll start this blog with Our Lord's prayer,which HE himself taught us.....

Our father in Heaven,
Holy be your name,
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on Earth as it is Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us our sins,as we
forgive those who sin against us,
Lead us not into temptations,
But deliver us from all evil.

Mother Mary,please pray for us..

Hail Mary ,Full of grace,
Lord is with You,
Blessed are you among women,
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,Jesus.

Holy Mary,Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the time of our death.

We praise you Holy Trinity....

Glory to the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,is now and forever shall be,world without end.Amen.

Patron Saint of this blog,St.Paul,please pray for us...
All Saints and Angels,please pray for us and our ventures....