Hi folks...I am Jeffie John Parackal from Kerala,India....This is my second blog......As with anything,I'll start this blog with Our Lord's prayer,which HE himself taught us.....
Our father in Heaven,
Holy be your name,
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on Earth as it is Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us our sins,as we
forgive those who sin against us,
Lead us not into temptations,
But deliver us from all evil.
Mother Mary,please pray for us..
Hail Mary ,Full of grace,
Lord is with You,
Blessed are you among women,
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,Jesus.
Holy Mary,Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the time of our death.
We praise you Holy Trinity....
Glory to the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,is now and forever shall be,world without end.Amen.
Patron Saint of this blog,St.Paul,please pray for us...
All Saints and Angels,please pray for us and our ventures....
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, February 28, 2007
at 10:31 AM
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